Thursday, March 15, 2012

Big Boy Hair

Kade needed a haircut.  Desperately.  The first haircut he had went fine, the second one was a disaster-to put it mildly.  We took him to a salon bright and early in the morning so there wouldn't be too many witnesses out and about because we knew it was going to be bad.  The screams coming out of Kade can only be compared to the screams someone would make if their fingernails were slowly being pulled out.  It was torturous for everyone.

The third time was almost a charm.  We decided to just shave it all off and that could be done in the comfort of our own home.  Of course, anyone listening in would've thought we were pulling fingernails again. 

Unfortunately we don't have any documentation of it because while I shaved, Erik distracted.  He got Kade's utility tractor and a couple horses and pretended that Kade's hair was hay.  Farmer Kade needed to scoop the hay and feed it to the horses.

I was delaying shaving his head because he never lost any of his baby hair.  To shave it would mean to get rid of any baby left in Kade :-(  We now have the oldest looking 19 month old I've ever seen.

In honor of March Madness, here's some pictures of the cutest slam dunker ever...Air Kade Man.

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