Thursday, February 23, 2012

Last year Lady A gave Kade one of those Hallmark recordable books and she glued a picture of herself in it.  He regularly grabs it off the shelf and points to her picture.  I always say, "This is A, she is your birthmom!  You grew in her belly and she chose me and Daddy to be your parents!"  I never want the fact that Kade is adopted to be a surprise to him so we try to incorporate Lady A into conversations we have with Kade on a regular basis.

Anyway, he's now saying her name!  Quite well, I might add!  So, when Lady A and her mom, S, came for a visit last Saturday I was excited for them to hear him say their names.  Of course, he didn't say it.  Not once in their 5 hour visit.  He said S name multiple times, but refused to say Lady A's.  We'd ask him and he'd just tilt his head and give a cute smile but nothing more!  Immediately after they left, (I mean, they were still visible from the door!) he said her name.  We opened the door, yelled for them to stop because he said it and wanted to give him one last chance to say it to her.  What did he do when we asked for a repeat?  Tilted his head and gave an award winning smile!  After they left for good he went on to say her name...oh, about 500 times!  Little stinker :-) 

On a different note:  After swimming lessons yesterday, Kade and I were roaming the halls waiting for Erik to come out of the locker room.  There happened to be a basketball practice in session for what looked like 5th grade boys.  Kade and I "snuck" into the door of the gym to watch.  "Snuck" is in quotes because right when Kade saw the players he screamed, "ALMOST!!!!" and everyone turned to look at us.  He associates the word "almost" with basketball because, as you can imagine, most of Kade's shots "almost" go in.  So, Erik and I say "almost!" a lot!  Looks like we need to use a different word when he misses!

Cutest little wedgie I've ever seen!

At the rate this kid is growing he really is going to be the next BIG thing!!

We just got Kade this fancy stool so he can "help out" in the kitchen now.  This is his cheesy grin he gives to the camera these days.

I love enjoying a good toy ad after a hard day at daycare.

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