Thursday, March 8, 2012

On Tuesday, Kade and Michael's daycare was closed so I took the day off to hang with the Kade Man.  Michael's very pregnant mom (who is now no longer pregnant!  Welcome Taylor John!!) wasn't feeling well so I took Michael for the day as well.  Kade was in heaven because he got to spend the day with "My My"!!  Of course I took tons of pictures because what's cuter than 2 toddlers toddling around the house?!

Books, tractors and Michael...a perfect day in Kade's opinion.

Knock, knock.  Who's there?

I couldn't pick a favorite picture, so I'll just post them all!!

We're going to have make these 2 wear cowbells when they are older, so we can hear them in the woods!

I wish I had video of this.  Every time Kade dumped rocks into Michael's bucket they would both laugh hysterically.   They make a good team!

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