Thursday, September 29, 2011

1st Haircut

It was finally time to chop off the baby mullet.  I was waiting until summer was over because when it's hot Kade's hair gets the best curls.  Since the humidity has disappeared so have the curls and we were left with hair that only an 80's graduate could love.  Lucky for me, one of my best friends went to school to cut hair!  So no worries if Kade didn't sit still or if he acted up.  He was a little wiggly but Kari assured me he did better than most kids (she might have been just saying that) but at least he didn't cry! 
"Just a comb?  I can handle that". 
Notice his shoes?  Kari's son, Jaxon, has outgrown them so we were seeing if they fit Kade.  Not only did he get a haircut, he also got a bunch of clothes!  What a deal!

Hey Lady, it's taking you an awful long time to just comb my hair.

What the H is going on back there?!

The finished product.  What a handsome little man!

We love watching the school bus go by.  The bus driver even waves, which is the highlight of Kade's boring days at home with mom.

A family picture.

And now it's time to get dirty.

Lady A and her family gave Kade some super cute pajamas for his birthday.  Here's a couple pictures of him in them.

Hey Superman, thinking about fighting some crime?  Or hitting the hay?

Has anybody seen my race car?

It's not in the bathroom...

Do you have my car??

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! And how nice to have a good friend like Kari who cuts hair. It turned out so cute!!! He is getting so big! Khalil also loves watching the school buses go by. (As in is obsessed with them!) Boys are so funny. :)
