Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kade the Helper

Kade has really started to want to help with a lot of things lately.  He LOVES feeding Molly her food.  He goes to the door where we keep her dog food about every half hour.  Of course Molly is on board with that plan so Erik and I have to redirect both of their attention quite often. 

He grabs the dish towel after we finish wiping him down after dinner and likes to wipe his tray.  Of course Molly is on board with that too because that just means more food for her gets pushed to the floor!

He helps me carry the laundry baskets to the laundry room.  Today he even helped put the empty one back in our room! 

The first thing he does when we go outside is push the button to open the garage door.  Then he grabs the broom and "sweeps" the floor.  By that I mean he drags it around the garage, but it's the thought that counts.

I think we're going to have a little man that likes to "do work".  Yes!
See ya Mom!  Dad and I are headed to the farm to do some work!

Carhartts and a padded flannel, just need some steel toe boots!

No worries, Mom.  I got the dishes tonight.

I'll take the dog for a walk too.

Dirty laundry has never been so cute!

First load is in!  I'll go get the next one ready.

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