Thursday, September 8, 2011

Almost Forgot...

I've been doing this blog for a year now and this is the 1st time I've forgotten to do a post !  Thanks for the reminder, Jenna :-) 

Kade seems to have matured into a kid with his own personality in this past week.  He's much sturdier on his feet, he looks like he's grown taller and now he's starting to throw tantrums if he doesn't get his way.  Luckily, so far, it's just one outburst and then he's on to something else.  No laying on the floor, kicking his arms and legs, just yet.

He's raising his arms up for "Sooo Big!" and "Touchdown!", we're still working on holding up 1 finger when we ask how old he is but once in awhile he'll surprise us.  He High 5's and sorta does knuckles.  He's able to point things out when we ask him where so-and-so is, although he refuses to point to Mommy (little stinker!  I think he does it on purpose!)

No words yet but he carries on full conversations in gibberish (we like to say he's speaking Russian :-)  The other night we watched Michael (the neighbor) for the evening.  While Erik was giving Kade his bedtime milk, and I did the same for Michael, the boys were carrying on a conversation.  Kade would "talk" for a minute, then wait for Michael to respond.  Michael usually just said "no, no", so Kade would say something else.  I think they were planning something sneaky but Michael wasn't liking any of Kade's ideas.  It was hilarious!

Time for the good stuff...
He got these Carhart bibs as a shower gift from my cousin last year.  They finally fit him!  Can you tell Erik dressed him though?  Tie dye and Carharts???  Only my husband would think that looks good.
We had a play date with Olivia and Ellie a couple weeks ago.  This is the best we could get of the 3 of them together. 
Thank goodness for Molly at meal time!  She keeps my floor spotless, no matter what Kade throws at her.

Uh-oh, they've hijacked the neighbor's gator!!  Luckily neither one's legs are long enough to reach the gas pedal.

Alright Michael, enough of this passenger business...

Hold on!  I'm taking the wheel!!

My aunt, Robyn, won this from a raffle held by the water ski show.  Guess who the proud owner is now?!?

Faster Grandpa!!!  We aren't gettin any younger!

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