Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Very Belated Father's Day Post

I just realized I never posted anything about Erik's first Father's Day!  Kade did a good job spoiling Dad on his special day, just like Dad does a good job spoiling Kade every day :-)  He got him a tool chest on wheels and a hammock.  He also made him homemade waffles for breakfast and pineapple pork chops for dinner.  Not to mention he took Dad to Chester Woods and walked Dad down to the water so Dad could splash around and play in the sand.  It was a great day and, like always, we counted our blessings that Kade is in our lives and has given us even more reason to celebrate Father's Day.

On a different note, we've created a "more" monster.  Kade likes food. A lot.  He tends to scream at the top of his lungs, sometimes til he's blue in the face, if we aren't shoveling it in fast enough.  We decided that it's never too early to learn some manners so we've been trying to teach him to sign "more".  He's finally caught on.  Now, during meal times, not only does he scream loudly between each bite, he also signs "more".  Not really the result we were looking for, as we were hoping "more" would replace the screams but we're getting there!
Wait, if Kade and Dad are eating the waffles, who's making them??  Okay, Mom might've gave Kade a hand in the kitchen.
On our walk in Chester Woods

First time in the sand

He loved the sand, although it's hard to believe that looking at that face he's making!
Here Dad, follow me!  I'll take you down to the water.

Look how much fun splashing in the water is!

Dad, how come you are always complaining about having a sore back??  My back is fine!
Okay Dad, that's enough splashing, let's get you dried off now.

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