Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July Festivities

Could we have asked for better weather for this past weekend?!  I mentioned in my "Gopher Count" post about swimming at Rich and Sharon's pool, so I'll give you one guess where we spent Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday...

We swam, lounged, and ate all day, everyday.  And, after dinner each night "Papa Rich" took us on a hayride.  The only thing we didn't get in was a bonfire but I think that's because the adults were more tired than the kids by the time evening rolled around. 

The most exciting news of the weekend is Kade took his first steps!!!  We've been playing "No Hands!", where we see how long Kade can stand on his own.  Every day it gets a little longer and on Sunday he decided to throw a few steps (6 to be exact) into the game.  It was very exciting, and since he did it at Rich and Sharon's (aka Grandma Holiday), he had quite a large audience and lots of cheers.  Of course, he hasn't taken any steps since :-)  I think he just wanted to prove that he could do it, but he gets there faster by army crawling so that's his mode of choice still.

I've got lots and lots of pictures to accompany this post.
This picture isn't from this past weekend, I just thought it was super cute because Ellie likes to help Kade walk.  Whenever we're walking Kade she comes running over and grabs his arms too.

Modeling his swim outfit that he got from Lady A. 

Kade's favorite part of the pool, the water coming down off the slide.

Taking a snack break, swimming makes a guy thirsty!  His shorts are a little like pants right now but the waist fits him perfectly :-)
Dreaming about the day that he can ride his bike all by himself.  At least he"ll look like a professional in the meantime.

Getting ready to help Grandpa in the fields.

Going on our first bike ride.  It was a little hard to pedal because somebody kept kicking me in the back of the legs!

Braeden, Owen and Kade on the hayride.

Poor Ellie, the only girl with all these boys.  It doesn't seem to bother her though because she's the princess!

Sisters-in-law, due 1 week apart!

Kade taking the lawn tractor for a spin.  I think we should probably leave that bike helmet on him permanently.  The kid LOVES anything with wheels and a steering wheel.
Our tour guide, "Papa Rich".

Time for hay ride #2!

Grandma and Grandpa C came along this time.

Owen and Kade are taking over!!

Fell asleep on the 5 minute drive home, after chugging a bottle.  Whew!  It's tough work playing all weekend!

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