Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ahhh, summer...

Kade took his first dip in the pool this past weekend, with none other than his favorite gal, Ellie!  He surprised her because when we got there she was napping so when she woke up Baby Kade was waiting for her.  She went right to him and gave him a kiss.  Then she proceeded to say about a million times "Oh-Kade" (actually, her mom and I couldn't tell if she was saying "Oh-kay" or "Oh-Kade" but we're going to stick with the latter).

He wasn't a big fan of the pool at first but that might have been because he was hungry and Ellie threw a ball at his face (Girls!  Who can figure them out?!?).  After pounding down a jug, and another kiss from Ellie, he went back into the pool and loved it.

Wearing my Easter outfit from Lady A!

Kade and Ellie are ready for the pool!  Looks like he's already checking out the ladies in their swimsuits!

Kade's not sure what to think at this point.  Maybe he's a little self conscious of his non-matching hat? :-)

We caught Ellie winding up with the ball on film.  Poor Kade doesn't even know what he said or did to deserve it!

Best part of the pool was Dad making a waterfall.  Ellie proclaimed it, "FUN"!

This little man loves to swing!  I don't think we'll be indoors too much when the weather is nice.

Kade almost shares a birthday with these 2 (Sofia and Oliver).  He was born on August 10th, they were born August 11th.  He's in the 90th percentile, they're in the 15th.  We joked that it looked like Kade could eat them!
Helping Dad baby proof the kitchen.  

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