Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gopher Count

I've been waiting to do a new post until the end of today because I knew I'd have a lot of good pictures to post.  Today is Gopher Count!  Which means Erik took today off work and we took Kade to his first parade.  Gopher Count is a town festival in Viola that's been going on for 137 years and started out as a gathering of farmers to picnic and a competition to see who trapped the most gophers through out the year.  Since I'm a "city" girl I've never really been interested in trapping gophers but it's big business for farm kids!  It was mine and Kade's first time attending Gopher Count and Erik was excited to take us.  The parade was entertaining, but I think it could use about 50 less tractors in it.  Although, if they took out the tractors there wouldn't be much left of the parade! 

Afterwards we headed out to spend a day at the pool.  Ellie's grandparents, Rich and Sharon, have their own little oasis out in the country.  Going there is like going to a resort so when the sun comes out, that's where we head.  The water was a bit too chilly to swim in but Kade had fun splashing and watching the big kids play.  Oh, and he had fun playing with the ladies closer to his age, Ellie and Olivia.

Picture Overload Alert!
Watching the parade with Grandpa and Grandma H.

Kari, Ellie and Megan.  These 2 girls have been my best friends for as long as I can remember.

The Gopher Count Newbies.

One of too many tractors.  Although those wheels are pretty cool!

That's Jaxon on the right.  He's our Godson.  He's also $45 richer because his grandpa trapped 200 gophers for him to take in to be counted.  Yep, even after 137 years they still count the feet and hand out money!
Braeden and Owen enjoying the fruits of their labor.  It's tough work picking up candy that's thrown at you!

Kade watching the big boys eat their suckers, wondering when he'll be big enough to have one.

Kade always manages to find the best seat in the house!  He's in the middle of saying "Ohhh".  Maybe another tractor is going by?
Kari, me, and Megan.  When I'm with these girls I feel like I'm still 14, I can't believe we're old enough to be moms already!  Time flies.

Olivia and Kade.  Olivia is 2 weeks older than Kade but he has a good 10 lbs. on her :-)

Obviously Ellie, being 9 months older, has a bit more practice at saying "Cheese!" when the camera comes out.  Olivia and Kade still need to learn a thing or two!

Splashing in the pool.

Is there a weight limit on the exersaucer?  I think Kade might be exceeding it.

Cutie Pies.

Kisses from Ellie.

"Wait!  Ellie!  Are you done??"

"Oh good, you've still got one more for me."

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