Thursday, May 26, 2011

What's that you just said?

Yesterday as I was eating supper I was listening to Erik talking to Kade.  He said some things that would be pretty hilarious if they weren't directed at a 9 month old.  It got me thinking of all the things we say these days on a pretty regular basis, with a completely straight face, and I know we're not the only ones.

~Here, smell his butt, does it stink?

~Let's not chew on the table.

~Did you shower today? No.  Did you shower yesterday? (long pause) I can't remember.

~Was there poop in the diaper?  Not really, just a couple Cocoa Puffs.  Damn, I was hoping for more.

~Let's not chew on Molly's bone.

~It's 8:00 already?!?  I need to get to bed!

~NO!  Don't lick the glass!  Yeah, my kid is a glass licker.  Sorry about that. 
(P.S. This was a different parent talking about their kid.  Kade isn't a glass licker...yet)

~There's a piece of grass stuck in his wrist roll and I can't get it out!

~Let's not eat our socks.

~Look!  He's pooping!  CUTE!

Anybody have anymore to add???

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Kade started a new daycare on Monday!  The one he had been going to only had one other kid, a 5 year old girl, who is starting school in the fall so he would've been the only one left.  We figured since he's an only child, an only grandchild on both sides and soon-to-be an only child at daycare he's going to need to learn some socialization skills.  Lucky for us the twins turned 1 in February so their provider had an infant opening!  Lucky for Kade he gets to play with the twins, and lots of other kids closer to his age, on a regular basis now. 

I was a little worried dropping him off on his first day since he didn't know anyone but he went right into Michelle's arms and didn't even look up when we were leaving.  He was too busy with the 3 kids surrounding him with attention and toys.  If he could talk I'm pretty sure he would've said, "Okay, you guys can go now!  I've got kids to play with, new places to explore and you guys are cramping my style."

He's only been there 2 days but he seems to love it so far!  And today, on his day off with boring, old mom, he's napping like a champ :-)

On a completely different topic:  What did babies play with in the "olden days"?  You know, before they invented T.V. remotes?

Kade's gone from a Hillbilly to a Jack-o-Lantern.  I hope another tooth comes in soon, because these days he's looking too much like a vampire!

Okay Mom, where'd you put the remotes?  I know they were here a second ago!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

9 Month Stats

Kade had his 9 month appointment today.  So happy it was a shot-free affair!  I think it was the most fun he's ever had at the doctor's office.  He played with the stethoscope and relaxed on the bed while he was given the once over by the doc.  The Dr. spent a little more time listening to Kade's heart, so of course I worried.  He said he couldn't convince himself if he heard a murmur or not so he's going to see Kade at the 12 month and listen again (normally 12 month is just a nurse visit).  He's not concerned because Kade's so healthy and showing no signs for concern but he just wants to make extra sure.

So, here's the stats:
22.4 pounds (80%)--I could've sworn he's at least 50 pounds!  My arms feel that way after holding him 5 minutes.
29.3 inches long (80%)
head is 48.5 cm (>97%)--kid's still got a big head!  :-)

He's now pulling himself up on anything that can hold him and walking along anything that stays still.  When we hold his hands he pretty much runs as fast as his chubby little legs can carry him.  He's a mover!  Got places to go and people to see!  He loves being out and about so we spend a lot of time at stores or anywhere else a lot of people will be so Kade can people watch.  Everywhere we go people comment on how happy he is, how great of a smile he's got and how big and blue his eyes are.

I'll end the post with a more recent video of Kade laughing.  I love laughing videos, they make me laugh.  Not exactly sure why the camera is turned, so you'll have to turn your head to the right to see the video straight.  I'll have to have a talk with my camera man so this won't happen again :-)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Kade was out and about more this weekend than any other time in his life so far!  We started out Saturday morning with a walk around Silver Lake to benefit Cystic Fibrosis.  One of Kade's little buddies, Braeden, has CF so every year his parents raise money for research and a whole bunch of people walk to draw awareness.  The weather was awesome and Kade had so much fun people watching, hanging out with his girlfriend, Ellie, and watching the big kids feed the geese.

Then we headed up to the Cities because Erin (Kade's Godmother/aunt) and I had tickets to see Sugarland!  Erik and Kade came along to hang out with Michael (Kade's uncle) and Sarah (Michael's friend?? girlfriend?? Are you guys official or what?? :-)  It was his first time in the cities and his first sleep over at somewhere other than his grandparent's.  We were a little worried about him getting a good night's sleep because Michael lives in a one room studio condo where the only door is on the bathroom.  I think he was so exhausted from the day's activities (and Dad letting him stay up almost 2 hours past his bedtime) that he slept like a baby :-)

Finally, on Sunday, Erik, Erin, Kade and I went to Como Zoo.  I think he loved the people watching more than the animal watching but, hey, there are a lot of interesting characters in the world!  The animals that got the biggest "Ooooh" out of him were the giraffes, zebras and lions.  Oh, and to make my first Mother's Day all the more special, Kade decided to take the opportunity to say his first word...Da Da.  Thanks Buddy! :-)

Warning: picture overload again!
Uncle Jeremy (Kade's uncle) got a fast one pulled on him by Tim so he ended up pushing Owen and Ellie part of the walk.  Good practice for him!

Kade and Ellie enjoying some snacks after their long walk.

Kade and Owen getting ready to feed the geese.

Ellie is very brave around birds!  Unlike her dad (Tim), who has a phobia of "winged creatures".

Just had to add this picture of the guys "Senior Picture" posing.  Where did Tim learn his modeling skills??

Sugarland :-)  Best. Concert. Ever.

Sugarland again.

Random fan, Matt Nathanson (opening act), me, Erin.  We wanted our picture with him but didn't want to wait in line.  This is the best we could come up with.

Breakfast at the condo.

Heading into the zoo.

Kade discovered he enjoyed this "birds eye" view better than in his stroller.  Dad had some sore arms by the end of our visit!

Who's funnier looking? Mom or the zebras?  Apparently mom because he's laughing at me!
Erin and Kade checking out the polar bears.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Post of Pictures

We took a lot of great pictures this week, probably to make up for the fact that we missed a whole week of pictures while in Aruba.  So, this week's post is going to be all pics (I've been told by more than one person that pictures are all they care about anyway...ahem, Megan L.! :-)

We started pulling ourselves up to standing this week.  One guess who he's got that big smile for.  That's right, he's looking at Molly again. 

Apparently we're so confident in our standing abilities that we think we only need one hand.  He fell shortly after this was taken.

Dad looks silly reading the "Funny Faces" book that Uncle Jay and Aunt Jenna gave me for Christmas.

Practicing my Sumo wrestling skills on Fussy, my stuffed puppy.  Fussy doesn't stand a chance!

Fussy is officially pinned!!

We had a play date with MJ on Saturday.  Here's the boys "playing" with their new train.  I say "playing" because their dad's were having more fun running the train than the boys were watching it.  I don't have pictures of the Dad's though because, let's face it, these two are MUCH cuter and more fun to look at :-)
I thought this was a super cute picture when I took it, until I realized Kade was hitting Michael in the face.  Sorry MJ!!

Look at these two big boys!!

Again, sorry MJ!  But isn't that the cutest kissy face you've ever seen?!
Kade showing off his cool toy to Michael.  They both took turns stopping the middle thing from spinning.

The next day we had a play date with Reed and the twins.  Here Carter is teaching Kade how to walk without the walker.

Reed and Carter having a very deep and meaningful conversation.  Probably about turtles, Reed's favorite topic of conversation these days.

For one split second all the kids were in the same place at the same time!

After a weekend of playing, this kid was down for the count!