Thursday, April 14, 2011

These Are a Few of Kade's Favorite Things...

~Dancing with Mom, especially to "Livin' On a Prayer" by Bon Jovi and to "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey.  Okay, so maybe those are Mom's favorite songs to dance to but since I'm carrying Kade he doesn't get a choice!

~Singing "The Wheels on the Bus".  Kade's favorite verse? When the wipers go swish, swish, swish.  Mom's favorite verse? When the horn goes beep, beep, beep because then I get to beep his cute little nose.

~Eating (not reading) books. 

~Swinging in the swing Grandpa and Grandma brought over.  This is a new favorite since it just went up last weekend.  Wearing a hat is not a favorite but I'm determined to keep his perfect, flawless skin that way for as long as I can.

~Playing with the little red wagon.  We keep it right next to the diaper changing station which isn't a smart move on our part because it's impossible to get a diaper changed in under 10 minutes.

~Dad.  Dad is a big favorite.  He's tall so he can hold Kade up really high.  He's funny (looking, as I like to say) and he gets Kade laughing like no one else can.  He also can reach the cords on the fan so whenever he's holding Kade, it's a "game" they have to play.

~Finally, the favorite that trumps all favorites...Molly.  It doesn't matter what Kade is doing, if Molly is anywhere near him he immediately stops what he's doing to watch her.  His ultimate goal is to touch her but unfortunately the feeling is not mutual on Molly's part.  She does her best to avoid him and he does his best to be near her.  It's a love/hate relationship.
P.S.  I will be unable to do a new post next week so this week's "double feature" will have to tide you over until the following week!  Sorry!!

1 comment:

  1. Just wait until Kade starts dropping all of those delicious cheerios.....then Molly is going to love him. Or at least love him at meal time :) -Erin
