Wednesday, November 17, 2010

That's my boy!

Kade is a "man" on a schedule.  You can pretty much set your watch by his naps.  Whenever he wakes up I make a mental note of the time because exactly 1 1/2 hours later he'll be ready to go back down.  If it's any later than that we'll have one unhappy baby on our hands for the rest of the day, and maybe even the next day!  At exactly 5pm he's ready for a 20 minute nap in the swing.  Try to put him anywhere else and he'll scream but once he's in the swing he'll calm right down and his eyes will slowly go shut.

He's also never been a very independent baby.  What I mean by that is you can't just lay him on the floor for a minute or two while you go try to do something quick.  He likes to be held up by your shoulder so he can see what's going on.  Try to prop him up on a pillow on the floor and he gets mad, pick him up and he's immediately calm.

I've been excited for Kade to be able to hold his head up so he can start hanging out in toys that allow him to be sitting up and seeing the world.  He's been holding his head up for awhile now but his legs haven't been long enough to sit in his bouncy toy...until today!  And, ladies and gentleman, he LOVES it!  He can bounce, turn (with my help) and see everything that's going on.  Unfortunately for him, what's "going on" today is me doing dishes, sweeping and picking up the house but he seems entertained by it.  

He's a boy after my own heart--he loves schedules, I love schedules; he loves to be held, I love to hold him; he loves to watch me clean, I love to clean!  I think, with any luck, he may even be a list maker when he grows up!

I don't have the time imprint on this picture, but I'm willing to bet it's right around 5:00!

The cutest Little Cowboy I've ever seen.

The first time he could actually use this!  Granted, he can't really reach anything on it yet but he immediately figured out how to bounce!


  1. That looks like one fun bouncy toy and one interesting conversation with the piggies! Cutest kid ever.
    -Erin :)

  2. Reed just wanted me to post that he looks really cute in "that thing". And, he likes the stuff on it.
