Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baptism and Halloween

Kade was baptized this past Sunday which also happened to be Halloween so he did a lot of dressing up that day!  He was a champ during his baptism although he did let out a few good screams right into the Pastor's microphone.  He just wanted to make sure the congregation was awake and paying attention!  We were also lucky enough to have Erik's uncle and cousin, Warren and Caleb, sing a duet which made Kade's day that much more special.  After the service we had family over for lunch and of course, cake and ice cream.  According to Erik's family, it just isn't a party if there isn't cake and ice cream!

Then came the Halloween portion of the day.  I had gotten Kade a sleeper with pumpkins all over it and he got a "My 1st Halloween" bib as a gift, so we figured that was a good enough costume for a 3 month old.  My mom ended up finding a Pooh costume that was on clearance and I'm glad she did because we had so much fun dressing him up!  Of course, he couldn't have cared less and actually wasn't all that thrilled with it but Erik and I smiled and laughed so hard our cheeks hurt!  Especially when the neighbors came over, Michael was dressed as a spider so we plopped the babes down on the couch and had a photo shoot.  Then, Erik and I took Kade trick-or-treating to both sets of grandparents.  It was definitely more entertaining for us this year since we got to eat all of the candy as well :-)

Here's a bunch of pictures from the big day:

I made them dress alike!  Luckily, Erik played along but that probably won't happen again.

My brother, Jeremy, and Erik's sister, Erin, are Kade's Godparents.

I love this picture because Kade has the cutest frown ever!  We always say, "All he has to do is smile or frown and he'll get whatever he wants!".  It's hard to resist a face like that!  Maybe he's scared of spiders?? :-)

1 comment:

  1. seriously the cutest photos ever! I don't know which one I love more, the suit and tie or the pooh costume. Adorable!!
