Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kade...the ladies man???

I'm officially back at work which means Kade is officially at daycare.  Normally, there's only one other kid there, a 4 year old girl.  However, on Kade's first day there was no school so the little girl's 6 year old sister was there too.  Apparently Kade is quite the little flirt!  I had no idea!  The girls would read to him and he'd just smile and giggle at them.  They would talk to the daycare provider and he'd smile and giggle.  Heck, they would just walk by him and he'd smile and giggle at them!  Erik and I got a couple updates that day from our daycare provider and we had no idea what baby she was talking about because we couldn't believe he was smiling and giggling that much!  Which made us wonder, now that we are parents have we officially become uncool and boring??

Kade wore his newest outfit, a gift from Aunt Jenna and Uncle Jay, to his first day of daycare!

Big smiles at 5am, how is that even possible?!?

He's practicing his wink for the ladies.

Chicks dig motorcycles, right?  Well, those daycare girls aren't going to be able to resist Kade when he pulls up on 20 years! :-)

Kade did NOT get his "ladies man" skills from this guy!  Looks like Kade could probably teach his Uncle Jeremy a thing or two!

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute Kristi! I love the smile at 5am! Scarlett does that too, and it's really hard to be mad about being up at that hour when you are greetest with the greatest look of joy ever! :)
