Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vikings and Packers and Bears, Oh My!

I have about a million other things I should be doing right now, including eating breakfast, but these pictures are too cute not to get on the blog ASAP!

This blog is for my Wisconsin friends, my Chicago natives and residents (thank you, Amy and Michael, for the slippers!) and of course for those living in God's Country...Minnesota!!!

We went over to the neighbor's to watch the Viking/Packer game.  No worries, Michael's mom is a Vikings fan so there's still hope for him!

Very proud dads!  Looks like Michael was more interested in watching the game rather than posing for MORE pictures.

Who is this big boy??  And since when does he support any team but a Minnesota team??

My favorite picture!  I told Kade to smile and as if on command he gave me the biggest grin he's got!  I love this little man!

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