Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2 month appointment

Kade had his 2 month appointment on Monday, which means he had shots for the first time.  My mom told me not to wear mascara because I'd be crying when he got them.  I'm happy to report that Kade was a trooper and so was I, no tears!  Well, for me anyway, but Kade was easily calmed after the 3 needles and he slept peacefully for about 8 hours afterwards!  Erik and I were very proud of the big guy and after his seeing his measurements I can honestly say he is a BIG guy.  13 pounds, which puts him in the 86th percentile and 24 inches long, 80th percentile.

Erik's favorite outfit for Kade.  Whenever he dresses him for the day this is what Kade comes out wearing.

Erik reading Kade a John Deere tractor book.  Notice Kade's hand on dad's shoulder, how cute!  By the way, I've told Erik to move that t-shirt to the bottom of his shirt pile.  I swear he's wearing it in every picture!!

Molly likes to sit in on story time too! 

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