Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Busy, HOT Weekend

Kade had a pretty eventful weekend!  Saturday morning he had his first baby shower, that he managed to sleep through.  It was a small gathering of Erik's side of the family: 3 great aunts, 1 great grandma, 1 cousin, 1 aunt and 2 grandmas.  Kade received lots of great gifts and lots of love from all the ladies!  We joked that he knew he was going to be the only boy at the party so he faked sleeping the whole time so he wouldn't have to listen to all the chit-chatting.

After the shower, Erik and I loaded Kade up and took him to get his first pumpkin.  Normally I'm very particular when it comes to picking out pumpkins and Christmas trees.  I find a good one then search the whole area to make sure there isn't a better one, I'm never satisfied with just taking the first good one I see.  That was so not the case this weekend!  It was 91 degrees!!  Kind of takes the fun out of the whole fall-pretty trees-hot apple cider experience when it's that warm out!  We didn't even walk 5 feet into the pumpkins before we plopped Kade down for some pictures and then on the way out we just grabbed 2 pumpkins sitting on the side.  Next year, Kade, I promise we'll make it more of an experience for you.

Look at all of those pumpkins just waiting to be chosen!  It killed me to not check out every single one!

Erik, on the other hand, would rather just take the first one he sees no matter what it looks like.

Something tells me Kade is fine with our quick trip to the pumpkin patch.

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