Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baby Shower Part II

Last weekend Kade had another baby shower!  I was really on the fence about having a baby shower at all because before Kade I HATED showers!  I very rarely attended them and when I did I was usually the first one out the door.  So, I felt a bit hypocritical having a shower, let alone 2!  My friends convinced me and assured me that it was okay and that my hate for baby showers was justified.  I'm glad they convinced me to have one because Kade got to meet a lot of great ladies at both showers and he was definitely showered with gifts!  Also, it was great to see a lot of people I hadn't seen in quite awhile and I got lots of great baby tips as well!

Here's some pictures of the 2nd shower (Thank you, Melissa, for taking so many pictures.  Although, I noticed the beautiful one of you by the flowers was mysteriously deleted!!)

A "big boy" outfit for Kade

Some of the ladies watching me open gifts.  Notice Kade in the middle passed out.

The rest of the group.  The little girl in the orange was SO entertaining!!

Kade managed to sleep through this shower too!

Apparently hanging out with 20+ ladies is tough on a guy, even if he did sleep through most of it!  P.S. this outfit is from his birth grandparents, K&S!  Super cute and it finally fits him!!

Always gotta get a close up of those chubby cheekers!!

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