Sunday, October 30, 2022

We made it to our usual early season Gopher football game this year!  I feel like it's been awhile since we've been to a game.  We had so much fun!!  The Gophers won, the weather was awesome and all the kids are now old enough to truly enjoy the tailgating, the game, the crowd and the length of the day.  We ended up being almost the last ones to leave the parking lot after the game because the kids were have so much fun playing football and pretending to be the coach and players running out of the tunnel.  We all agreed this day was a highlight of the fall season.  

Back story:  Mason has had it in his head for years that he wants to find a snake on our property.  He checks the woods ALL THE TIME.  He's constantly snake hunting.  I've literally only ever seen one snake and it was the week we moved in, 8 years ago.  Erik has never seen one.  But I've never had the heart to tell Mason that.
So Kade and I were home alone one Saturday afternoon and I had run to town to pick up some groceries, when I got back I stepped out of car and THERE WAS A SNAKE!!!!  I wasn't about to grab it but I knew I had to trap it somehow for Mason.  I watched it go under my car but I wasn't sure what to do.  If I left it to grab a bucket, I'd never know where it went, but again...NO FREAKING WAY I WAS PICKING IT UP.  So, I grabbed my phone and called Kade, who was sitting 20 feet away in the house 😆. He came right out, went under the car and picked it up with his bare hands.  
Have I ever mentioned how handy it is having boys?😉
Mason was beyond excited, he played with that snake for hours.  Unfortunately he didn't quite think through his plan of letting the snake "get some exercise in the grass" on Sunday morning, so less than 24 hours later the snake was gone.  That was a hard pill to swallow watching how absolutely heart broken he was.  Lo and behold on Monday afternoon, as they were walking up the driveway, they found a very similar snake dead on the driveway!!  Mason buried it and gave it a headstone (it's still in the yard as I type this almost a month later!).  
Needless to say, he's still on the hunt for another snake.


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