Friday, October 14, 2022

Picture catch up from a camping weekend in July.  It was meant to be a quick camping trip to a campground we always went to when I was a kid.  There's tons of trout fishing nearby so Mason was SO excited.
Kade had a baseball game that Friday so Erik, Kade and I got to the campground super late and had to set up in the dark, which is never fun.  Mason went down earlier in the day with my parents.  While they were getting supper ready, their campground neighbors discovered a rattle snake in the grass!  So that was the first excitement of the weekend.
Saturday started off pretty well but around mid afternoon the weather took a pretty significant turn.  Nobody had good signal on their phones but thankfully I was able to message with a friend who was at home watching the weather.  A severe storm with hail and wind was heading our way!  Once the weather actually got to us, a tornado popped up.  Thankfully it missed our campground (we were fairly protected by the bluffs around us) but less than a mile away was very significant damage.  Well, that knocked out the electricity, which took out the well, which meant we didn't have any water either.  The boys were supposed to stay til Monday with my parents (we were leaving on Sunday) but without water and electricity, none of us felt like roughing it.  Mason was extremely disappointed but thankfully they did land the biggest trout either of them had ever seen!  And they did get a little fishing in.

Kade reeled it in but Mason helped him land it.

And finally....back to school pictures!
Kade started the Tuesday after Labor Day as he is now in the high school!  
How did that happen?!?

Mason didn't start until Thursday.

So far the school year is going great for both of them!  Although conferences are on Monday so we'll be getting the full report then.😉
But hey--no bad reports, phone calls, emails or pink slips for Mason in the 1st quarter, that's a win!!


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