Sunday, October 23, 2022

This past spring we were at one of Kade's baseball games and Mason was picking a field of dandelions with friends.  All of the sudden he get very sneezy, itchy eyes--the usual allergies.  But also his face started to swell up, and his eyes and lips were getting puffy.  I'd been telling myself for years I needed to get him tested for allergies but that reaction really lit a fire.  Because that reaction is the beginning stages of anaphylaxis.  Thankfully after we got him washed up, it went away and he never experienced breathing problems with it.
I called right away that Monday but it was about a 3 month wait to get in, so all summer he suffered like usual.  
The day finally came and after meeting with an allergist and describing his symptoms, they decided a skin test was the way to go.  They pretty much tested all of the known seasonal allergies, so he had a lot of skin pricks.  And, as you will tell in the next picture, A LOT of itching.  Unfortunately you can't itch, you can't touch your arm for 15 minutes after the pricks.  Mason was a CHAMP.  He did so well, he just itched my arm when it got to be too much for him 😂

This picture was immediately after she put all the allergens on him.

This was about half way through the wait...he's pretty much allergic to everything.

This was after they gave him the anti-itch cream.

We had decided we wanted him tested for a horse allergy because we weren't sure if it was the hay or the horses that makes him react to Grandma's horses.  Unfortunately they forgot to test that the first time so he had to go through the 15 minute wait AGAIN!  Poor kid!  He did well though, and yes, he's allergic to horses too.
Needless to say, we got a few prescriptions filled that day.

Mason is playing flag football this year!
He seems to really enjoy it and I'm happy to report he hasn't thrown an errant tackle all season.  I was a little worried he would because he LOVES tackling his brother.  And, this should come as no surprise, he's pretty darn good at it!!

Mason is the gray shorts on his knee

on the right, bent over

he's the hunter in this one

Kade decided he didn't want to play football this year (he's fully regretting that choice).  He did sign up for fall baseball.  Unfortunately his season was cut extremely short because he pulled a hamstring in PE.  It took about 3-4 weeks to heal, which was the length of fall ball season.  I think he only got 2 games in.

Number 8

Basketball season starts next week for both boys!!


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