Thursday, November 10, 2022


The boys took their 2nd annual trip up to Lake Winnie/Cut Foot Sioux over MEA this year.  Unfortunately I couldn't join again because I had to work but there wasn't much room for me anyway!  The boys were living their best lives, huntin' fishin' and lovin' every day.  The weather was amazing for them but unfortunately for Mason and Erik the fish weren't biting all that much.  Kade and Grandpa, on the other hand, were able to bag a few grouse!
I stayed home with the dogs and enjoyed coming home to a clean house after work, which looked exactly the same as how I left it in the morning!  That's a rare feat with kids 😆 but I was definitely ready for them to come home after the long weekend.

Target practice

They each shot a hole through a quarter

There's a lot more pictures of Mason fishing than there is of Kade hunting, gotta work on Grandpa to get out his camera more!  

No trip is complete without a crawdad picture!  He didn't bring them home this year.


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