Thursday, August 4, 2022

Vacation Part 2

The post with ALL the fish pictures!!
Like I said, we only caught the following 3 fish on our first trip.  
A scalloped hammerhead shark

A stingray

And a bonnet head shark.

We kept the bonnet head for eating.  The captain filleted it for us and everyone tried a few small bites.
I'm told it was pretty bland.

I have a seafood allergy so I didn't even touch the fishing poles, let alone the fish!

The first fishing trip was super fun for half of us and not so much for the other half.
Kade and Vivienne got sea sick (no puking but close).  Noella got bored and I think 1 trip was enough for Evelyn, Grandma and myself.  
Mason, of course, wanted another 8 hours minimum.
So we booked another fishing excursion at the end of the week.  This one was for 5 hours and just Erik, Mason, Grandpa and Jeremy went on this one.  I'm told they caught so many fish they lost count but these are some of the good ones.

Mase worked so hard reeling this black tip in his arms and hands were numb!
He didn't want to hold it though, he said it was too wiggly and big and he was worried about the teeth!

Grandpa caught a hammerhead

Jeremy caught a couple small black tips

Another bonnet head.

Has there ever been a cuter, more exhausted shark fisherman?!?

Last but not least, we can't forget Erik's cute, little baby shark!


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