Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hilton Head Vacation Part 1

July 1-10 we went to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina by way of Atlanta.  We left bright and early at 2:00am on Friday the 1st (had to get that in there for future reference as grandma took a lot of ribbing for making us leave so early).  We flew into Atlanta where my brother met us and picked us up.  We stayed one night at their house and on Saturday we took our rented 15 passenger van on a 5 hour trip to a VRBO rental on Hilton Head.

We're on our way!
 With cousins Noella, next to Mason, and Vivienne, next to Kade

Of course Mason was beyond excited to catch ALL the critters you don't normally see in MN!
No lizard was safe.

Right away on Sunday morning we rented a fishing charter for a 3 hour shark fishing tour.
While we were waiting for the captain to get the boat ready, a different captain let Mason fish off the dock.
Apparently you can catch a sting ray with every cast in the marina.  And this cast didn't disappoint!

On our way to the fishing spot this dolphin paid us a visit.  I can't remember what his name is, but he knows all of the fishing boats because fishing boats have bait.  And sometimes the bait falls overboard, even though it's illegal to feed the dolphins.  But if it just happens to fall out of the boat, nothing you can do about that!  He stuck with us for quite awhile until he realized we weren't sharing our bait just yet.

Mason and Vivi

My brother, Jeremy, and Noella

My sister in law, Evelyn, and Vivi

Jeremy Kade and Grandpa

It was actually a pretty slow day, but it was so cool watching my boys fishing in the ocean!

This is it until next post.  I have SO MANY fish pictures, 
as well as beach pictures, they gotta wait til next time!


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