Monday, August 22, 2022

The last of the Hilton Head vacation pictures!  I'm so far behind in my summer updates that we were gone all last week on our 2nd summer vacation and I'm still posting about our first!!

Of course no post is complete without a then and now picture!
We went back to the same mini golf course we visited 4 years ago so, obviously, we made the kids pose in the same spot!

Captain Mason looks kinda mean!

Even Noella looks scared

I think we may have picked the hottest and sunniest day/time to go out to eat at The Salty Dog.
Everyone survived but it was hit or miss with Kade being hot and hungry...uffda, that's a tough combo for that kid.

Hilton Head is amazing for riding bikes.  There's sidewalks everywhere and the beach is perfect for riding.  We took quite a few trips on the beach cruisers.

I think that net was a permanent extension of Mason's hand the entire trip.  I can't tell you how many water creatures he attempted to snag with that thing.  Best $5 we ever spent.

Mason, on the far right, in his usual position in the water....swinging the net hard at some poor little fish.

Our last night of vacation was spent in Atlanta at my brother's.  We all snuggled in for 1 last movie before heading home in the morning.


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