Saturday, September 10, 2022

I apologize for the extremely long hiatus from posting.  We had some laptop issues and I didn't have access to our home computer for awhile.  I have so much catching up to do, I barely remember anything about these pictures!!!  But I'll try my best.  Since my last posts of our Hilton Head vacation we've had a few baseball tournaments, another family vacation and the boys have started school!  So, yeah, I'm behind!! 

Mason had a goal for his hair, he wanted it to touch his nose.  Thankfully he reached the goal and then let me chop it all off!  Unlike his brother who just keeps letting his hair grow and grow and grow.  Mason's hair just seems to grow forward though, so he can't keep it out of his eyes no matter how hard he tries.



We went for a walk one evening and Kade thought that was a cool spot for a picture.  
I agree!

Eyota Days is the 3rd weekend in July.  That's how far behind I am!
The boys were in the parade for baseball.
It's like herding cats.

Here they come!

Coaches riding in style

Kade and some buddies played in a 3-on-3 tournament.

Discussing the games afterwards.

Youngest and oldest
Brooks and Kade

There was a family fun night in town one evening.
The ambulance, police car and fire trucks were there to explore.
Mason checking out the ambulance that he rode in when he was a baby and burned his arm and stomach.

He looks much happier this time than he did the first time he was strapped into this spot

Mason could not get enough of this police officer.
I'm not sure if he wanted to know because he's a future "cop" or "robber"😜

I like him in this spot of the cruiser rather than...

...this spot.

Kade hit his 2nd over the fence home run this summer.
Of course I wasn't there.  I happened to stay home that evening with Mason and I told him before he left, "don't hit any homers!"  In true Kade fashion, he didn't listen to his mama.


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