Monday, July 18, 2022

At the end of June we took our first camping trip of the season.  Unfortunately there aren't going to be many of those this summer due to sports and vacations.  

Just cannot resist the reenactment pictures!
I love it when they oblige too.

6 years difference, to the exact date, for these pictures

They spent hours trying to catch that turtle!

Lola enjoying the evening

Toughest 8U players I've ever seen

Has there ever been a cuter catcher?!?

This picture makes me giggle.  
Kade with his buddies at a birthday party

I love watching Mason doing what he loves.
Those chubby little fingers have been tying fish knots for YEARS.
He learned to tie fish knots years before he learned to tie his joke.

Only tractor pull of the season.
Mason took home 3rd.
There was another tractor pull this past week.  When I asked him if he wanted to do it, he said, "nah.  I already got a trophy this summer.  I'm good."  I love his confidence!!

Mason also tried his hand at a pie eating contest!
He didn't love it.  He said it was hard to eat the crust without your hands and it was embarrassing everyone watching.  
Although, when I asked if he would do it again, he shrugged and said, "yeah.  sure.  If you want me to."  


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