Saturday, November 7, 2020

Leftover pictures from fall fun!  

The weather could not have been more perfect and more weird this fall.  I swear, every weekend we think, "We should make sure to get outside and make the most of the remaining warm weather!".  
A couple weeks ago I made sure to wash my windows because freezing temperatures and snow was in the forecast.  And, it did!  It got really cold and snowed...significantly!  Enough to drag out all the winter gear, get out the sleds and utilize the boot/glove dryers for a few days.  But now, as I type this, it's 70 degrees and sunny!  Oh Minnesota, you sure like to keep us on our toes!

Kade's class bike trip on a cold and wet fall day

This picture makes me giggle.  
Kade's size looks like an optical illusion compared to his buddies.

Lola's first time in snow!
She LOVES it.  

After a significant snow dump, and subsequent melt, Mason is back in shorts and fishing!
He's not catching a darn thing anymore but he sure does try!


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