Sunday, November 29, 2020

As I was looking through pictures for this week's post I realized I'm finally caught up!  I better remember to snap some pictures next week or it'll be a pretty boring post (I mean, even more boring than usual).   

Thanksgiving was this past week, we didn't get together with Erik's side because there's just too many of us.  We did have my parents over though.  Kade and Grandpa Ranger have been deer hunting a lot so we've been hunkering down with them anyway.  Hopefully we can get a couple weeks of social distancing under our belt now that Mason is out of school too and can see Erik's family again.   

Such a strange and confusing world we're living in now!  Erik, Mason and I are homebodies for the most part anyway but Kade is a social butterfly who always has to have a plan.  He's been fine because of deer hunting but now that that's over (he didn't get one), he's going to struggle a bit.  Fingers crossed they're able to go back to school in January!! 

For a few weeks it was just Erik and Kade home while I was at work and Mason was at school.
Kade getting in some physical fitness.
(i.e. Erik making him burn off some ever present energy)

The puppies don't know what to do with themselves with all of these people home all of the time!

Working on their Christmas list.
Kade's had exactly 1 thing: Tyreek Hill jersey.
You know you're spoiled when you can't think of anything you want for Christmas!!

Mason's had a couple more:
bait caster
surf board
BB gun
Take one guess which one of those things he'll actually be getting!

You would think that one (or both) of them had farted but nope, they were pretending to be firemen.

Covid hair!
It finally got long enough to annoy him, I cut it right after this picture was taken.


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