Saturday, November 21, 2020

Halloween 2020

I'm way behind in pictures again.  Thanksgiving is 4 days away and I'm posting about Halloween!  As I mentioned in last week's post, we didn't do the normal Halloween stuff.  
At the last minute Jenna (Erik's sister) and I decided to throw an impromptu Halloween party.  We met at the dollar store the day before and bought a lot of fantastic (read: crappy) prizes.  We threw together a bunch of yard games and got a bunch of pizzas to feed a crowd (actually, it was just my mom, dad and Erik's whole family.  So, 19 in all).  
This was before the major outbreak in MN, and we spent a majority of the time outside in the fabulous weather.  Thank goodness we were blessed with this day as I'm not sure when we'll all be able to be together again.  What a great way to spend potentially our last family gathering in 2020!
Kade and Mason both said they'd rather have a party like this every year instead of trick or treating.  I'm sure they'll remember this day in much more detail than they'll ever remember trick or treating!

The costumes didn't stay on long!  
This is the only picture I have of them, we didn't think to have a costume parade/group picture.

One of the games we split into 2 teams and raced to a suitcase to put on Erik's clothes.
There was an extra surprise hiding in the bag.  
Giant tighty whiteys.  Everyone got a good laugh at them.

Of course we had musical chairs.
Of course the kids were the last ones standing.

We also did relay races with spoons and an egg, a game involving nylons, potatoes and balls, as well as a piñata!  The kids were gamed out!!

Grandma H handing out her Halloween goodies.

Kade helping Eve gather her treats.

Relaxing with a ring pop!


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