Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ever since Erik got word that he'll be working from home from now on, we have been planning on updating the office.  Then we (I) added a couple puppies to the mix, and with potty training, it fast tracked the plans.  We decided to rip out the carpet and do heated tile in the entryway and office.  Easy clean up!!  
Of course I didn't think to take any before pictures but in the background you can kind of see just how dark and dungeon-y Erik's workspace was.  If he is going to spend 40+ hours a week in this area, it needs to be welcoming!  Cue Kristi's ideas!!  Lucky Erik 😆  

The boys were so excited for Demo Day!
Kade was a lot of help, Mason lost interest after about 5 minutes.

These tiles were tough.  There was a double layer of cement holding them down!
Erik ended up renting some kind of tool and literally chipped away at them.  It was a dusty mess!!

Grandpa taking a break to snuggle Trixie.

Grandma and Mason trying to play a game amid A LOT of noise during tile removal.

Erik's temporary office, with a cute little office mate!

The orange floor
(heating element before the tile went in)

And the tile is in!!

I hired a professional painter.
He's seriously missed his calling, this guy can paint!

That's all for now.  I'm working on painting trim, staining wood and figuring out a desk.  Hopefully there will be more progress pictures soon!!

Amid all of the office chaos, Halloween came and went.
We weren't 100% sure about trick or treating this year so I got costumes just in case.  Right before Halloween, Eyota got hit with a 50+ person exposure.  That answered that question!
The boys still had fun with their costumes though.

And now, due to the numbers in town, Kade is distance learning.  He just finished his first week.  He doesn't love it but because it's also deer hunting season he's not too torn up.  He gets his stuff done and then heads out to the woods with grandpa.  It's a good distraction for him.  Mason is still in person learning.  The school is doing all it can to keep the younger kids in the classroom.  Which is great because Mason LOVES school this year.  He's doing great and is a completely different student than last year!  Fingers crossed he can keep going.


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