Friday, September 18, 2020

Vacation 2: Part 1

Exactly 1 month ago we were on vacation!  Better late than never to post about it, right?  We rented a couple cabins in Hayward with Erik's family.  The weather was awesome, it was sunny every day so we were able to do a ton of fishing, swimming, tubing and water skiing.  Of course I didn't take enough pictures but there's enough to split them into 2 posts.

The drive up, Trixie came too!  
You can barely see her between the boys.
(we didn't have Lola yet)

Killing time before check in, Mason giving me a heart attack on top of the dam.

Kade tried waterskiing for the first time on this vacation.
I snapped this picture while Jay was getting the skis out.  He was a little nervous!

But excited!

Instructions from Jenna

And he's up!  He got up on his first try!!
He held on for a bit but fell when he went outside of the wake.
I'm not sure he loved it, he said the boots hurt his ankles.  Kade's first inclination is always to be negative/mad when he does something.  He's like that after his games too.  Then, the more you talk about it with him, the more he realizes how much fun he had.  I think it was the same for skiing.  He tried it a couple more times on the trip, and got up each time, but still didn't love the feel of the boots.

Popcorn and movie with cousins!


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