Thursday, March 19, 2020


I just had to use that as the title of this post, if anything, for easy reference when we're looking back on this memory!

We're on Day 2 of "social distancing" and the hardest part has been getting some WiFi time for myself to do a post!  Between Erik working from home and hogging all of the internet speed and the boys using the laptop to do their learning games, it doesn't leave much left for me.  

So it turns out "country living" can be used interchangeably with "social distancing" so, so far, we haven't noticed much change from the norm.  Again, we're only on Day 2.

We sent the boys to school on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  Who knows if they'll get to go back this year and we wanted them to have some closure with their teachers.  Kade has taken this pretty hard, he LOVES his teacher, so we've had some tears.  He's wanted this teacher since he was in 1st grade because of the NCAA tournament.  Apparently Mr. Matejka has been known to show a game or two during class and he has them fill out a bracket.  So, when that got canceled we had some EXTREME disappointment.  Then when we realized they might be done for the say Kade was sad is an understatement.  Since we aren't sure ourselves, we haven't really told him what the future holds so right now they think they're going back in 8 days.  And, maybe they will!!!

I don't think Mason truly grasps what's going on but he did ask today (again, Day 2) when he gets to go back to school.  I'm actually having a little harder time with Mason's situation.  I feel like Kindergarten is such a special year and I feel bad that Mason's kindergarten experience might be cut extremely short.  I know he won't remember it very well and maybe it's because he's my baby, but I'm sad that he might never get to go back to his Kindergarten classroom.  He also LOVES Ms. Tuohy and I feel terrible he might be done with her.  She's been wonderful with him, with patience beyond measure, because we all know Mason can be a bit much at times!  

However, Mason's love of sleeping in, along with his amazing imagination, has made his transition into hermit life quite easy!  Kade, on the other hand, thrives on structure, plans and socialization.  Hopefully he can learn from Mason, relax a little and go with the flow.

A few weeks ago, I took these 2 days off (Thursday and Friday) to watch the first round of the NCAA tournament with Erik, while the boys were in school.  Obviously plans have changed but it's been nice being home with the boys, knowing there's nothing to do and nowhere to be.  We've watched movies, drawn pictures, done a bit of school work, played basketball outside, went for a run, stayed up late and slept in.  I know this could be a loooooooooong situation but right now, I'm loving every minute of it.  I'll still have to go in to work like normal, but we have been told we can change our hours to work around our children's schedule.  And, soon, online learning is going to happen and maybe the stress will pick back up.  So, we're making sure to bask in the quietness before the possible  storm.

Anyway, so far we're healthy, happy, and enjoying each other's company.  Fingers crossed it stays this way!!!
Fishing on the "beach"!

Thankfully we were able to watch the last boys basketball game before everything got canceled.
We busted out some VERY old warmups (Erik's dad's when he was in high school!!) to help cheer on our Eagles.

And our very own Mason got Student of the Week in P-E the week before everything got shut down!!
He said he knew it was going to be him when the teachers said this to describe the winner, "And sometimes this kid can be a little crazy..."

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