Wednesday, March 4, 2020

So, we had to take Kade's iPad away for awhile.  His reading was slipping and we weren't happy with the amount of time he was using it.  It's been about 3 weeks now, shockingly, he's never asked for it back.  He's happier, he plays with his brother more, he spends more time outside.  I can't say that his reading has improved much but we'll take what we can get!

The boys enjoying the sun!

Mason and his dog cousin, Brody.
It might be time to get this kid a dog, he LOVES playing with Brody.

Kade and Violet

Kade had his last basketball tournament this past weekend.  
In between games, Charlie came over to play.  
Here they are testing Mason on his sight words.

Sadly this was Kade's last basketball game as a 3rd grader.
I cannot believe how fast time is flying, I swear it was just last year he was just a baby and dying laughing every time Erik said, "SLAM DUNK".

They were going on and on about how bad their elbows hurt.  They didn't realize how ridiculous they looked stuffing their faces with a doughnut and whining about their elbows at the same time.
I made them take a picture, they weren't happy with me.

Then I made them show me just how badly their elbows hurt...

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