Sunday, February 23, 2020

I can't believe it!  I'm finally caught up with pictures!!  

These past couple weeks have been tough at our elementary school, we've been hit hard with sickness.  Whooping cough has been going around, influenza, strep throat and colds have wiped out a lot of kids.  
One day, there was 85 kids missing school.  To give meaning to that number, an average grade has about 80 kids in it.  So basically an entire grade called in sick.  So far, we've been lucky.  Kade did have a low grade fever for about 3 days but all it did was make him feel run down.  No puking, no strep, no flu.  He did have a slight cough afterwards but that went away after a few days too.  
Knock on wood, we're in the clear!  Mason told us one morning that he had a headache (he was pulling our leg), so we let him stay home.  Let's be honest, with the way the school was looking, Mason was probably safer at home with his sick brother anyway!!

They even laid down and took a nap!!  That's when you know Kade isn't feeling good!!

Mason modeling his fishing gear he got for his birthday from my brother.

Last weekend Kade had a basketball tournament.
I packed a bunch of stuff to entertain Mason and Harper because it was going to be a long day.  Who knew mustaches were going to be the hit??

Kade and his team listening to the their coach.
They're all 3rd graders but they were playing in a 4th grade tournament.  They won their 1st game and lost the next 2.  Kade was still pretty run down from being sick earlier in the week and after that day, 3 more kids got sick.  Bummer because I think they would've had a good chance at winning if they were all feeling good.  But they still had fun!!

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