Sunday, February 9, 2020

Happy 6th Birthday, Mason David!

6 years ago today (it was a Sunday even!), we were blessed with Mason!  He lights up our lives with his amazing smile, funny personality and goofy laugh.  He's imaginative, witty, caring and sweet.  He's also stubborn as all get out, impossible to get up and going in the morning and a bull in a china shop in every sense of the word!  We love this kid with all our heart and thank God every day for him.  It took 10 years from the time we started trying to build our family to the day Mason completed it, and I'd do it all again knowing my boys were the gift at the end.

He chose a trip to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate.

He brought his buddy, Nyle, to help!

Of course Kade spent the entire time over by the "sports" section!

He actually spent the majority of his time racking up tickets at the skee ball games.
This was the one and only time I beat him, so of course I had to document it!

We didn't sign up for an actual birthday party so Mason and Nyle crashed another kid's party when Chuck came out.
Whoopsies!!  I hope they didn't mind!!

We were able to talk him into skipping the pizza at Chuck E. Cheese (thank goodness!) and had burgers instead at a different restaurant.
These two thought they were so cool because they were drinking their root beer out of "beer" bottles.

Birthday morning opening gifts in bed!

He was so excited for this little ukulele!

Just like last year, he had a request for na night cake.
Nailed it!!

Happy birthday Mason!!!

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