Sunday, February 2, 2020

FINALLY at the end of Christmas pictures!!  Only took until Groundhog's Day to bust them out, which it sounds like, spring is coming early so I better get caught up soon if warmer days are coming!!
I failed miserably at taking pictures of our family Christmas.
I did manage to get this picture on Christmas Eve before church.

Mason insisted on opening his presents on Christmas morning inside his new hunting blind.

Poor Kado woke up to puking on Christmas morning.  It was a rough day for him.  You know it's bad when he skips our usual Christmas morning scones and lays on the couch instead.

Take the present out of the box, put the kid in the box.

My parents surprised the boys with a "new to them" snowmobile.  That was enough to Kade off the couch AND put a smile on his face.  I think he put 20 miles on just driving around my parent's yard!

Oh Mason!

The following Saturday we had Christmas with Erik's family.

I'm quite certain this blanket was made specifically for Mason!!

Kade and his cousin Lillian.
They take a cute picture together every time they're together.

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