Saturday, January 25, 2020

The weekend before Christmas we continued our annual tradition of visiting our friends down in LaCrosse and seeing the lights.  Every year we comment on the previous year and how tough it was keeping track of the kids and still be able to enjoy the lights.  I can honestly say that this year it was actually very enjoyable!  Still not relaxing because there's 6 kids to keep track of, in the dark, with lots of other people around.  BUT, we've finally turned a corner!  Our kids are all old enough to finally understand that we need to stick together.  
We all piled into a giant suburban, drove around some neighborhoods to enjoy people's decorations, sang The 12 Days of Christmas with each person taking a verse and made it to and from the light park with smiles on our faces.  I'd call that a beautiful success!!
We asked the kids if they'll still join us with this tradition when they're all in college.  They said yes, so I think we've created something special!

Last year the kids were dying to ice skate but we said no because we weren't prepared for it but at the time we promised them they could do it next year.  Shockingly, they remembered that promise!  The park had free skates to borrow and the rink was free to use as well.  So, we couldn't say no!!  They loved it and Mason actually managed to stay on his feet for a minute or two!

Mason lost one of his two front teeth that following morning!

Sunday evening, after we got home, Mase couldn't keep his eyes open.
He picked a pretty awesome spot to snooze!

On Monday they went to daycare.  They were SO excited to see their buddies.
Here's all the daycare kids

Don't worry, he's still leaning towards basketball!!

I had to work Christmas Eve day, so Erik took the day off and took the boys to open skate.
Mason continued to improve and actually stayed on his feet for most of the time!  Even without the walker.

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