Saturday, January 11, 2020

Per the theme of the past few months, this post is weeks behind.  It's kind of fun though because when looking at pictures, I get to go back and relive the holidays!  Which, always seem so stressful at the time, but looking back it makes me realize how lucky I am!  These boys are something special!!  And they aren't getting any smaller.  Kade has literally centimeters left before he passes me in height (he'll surpass me before he's even 10 years old).  This morning Mason and I were comparing our hand size and his mitts are very close to my size already too!!

My handsome helpers

I LOVE this picture.
Erik was battling a round of gout at the time, so he was elevating his foot.
Mason took advantage of his immobile dad.  
But hey! at least he gave him a box to protect Erik's head!

A rare moment.
Laying still AND enjoying each other's company!

Kade's 3rd grade team got recognized at one of the boy's JV games.
I've put a red arrow above Kade on most of the pictures.

Here they are running out with the high schoolers at the start of the game.

Lined up watching the warm up lay ups.

Someone must've made an impressive move!

While they were standing on the line, one of the players asked the boys if they wanted to do lay ups with them.  Of course Kade was too nervous initially so he said no, but after he saw his buddy Tyeson go out, he joined them.

He even made his lay up!

At half time their names were announced and they ran out to the center of the court.

Even Erik got to touch the ball!

Kade cheering at the varsity game, I think one of the players just dunked it.
He absolutely loves going to basketball games.  He even enjoys going to the girl's games with me!!

We're still working on Mason, but he's definitely starting to show some interest in basketball.  He likes to dribble the ball in the house and play defense on Kade when Kade is dribbling.  Granted, his form of defense usually involves tackling and perhaps a sneaky punch to the steps.  And, if anything, he's helping to toughen up his big brother!!

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