Sunday, January 19, 2020

Programs, Parties and Playoffs

This is the first year Kade's class had a Christmas program.  Unlike when we were growing up, they don't start Christmas programs until 3rd grade.  And they are in the middle of the day, with the 4th grade class.  
I remember loving the Christmas program when I was a kid.  We'd practice with our grade for weeks, it was at night, we'd get really dressed up and it was in the high school gym with all of the other grades in elementary school.  It's not quite the same these days but Kade loved it and I loved hearing him practicing his songs under his breath leading up to the big performance.
He was initially going to be one of the "Lords A Leaping", but he traded with another kid and instead became a "Fa La La La La La La La La" sign holder.
He's the kid in the gray sweater, top row, 5th from the left.

The next day was their basketball league's end of season tournament.
They were guaranteed 2 games and if they won at least 1 of them, they got to play a 3rd.  They lost their first game and won their second one and then they won their 3rd game too!!  We were at the gym from 11:00 to 7:00 that day!!  I'm not sure which place they took but everyone got medals so they're were happy thinking they got first.

Tyeson, Charlie and Kade
These 3 have a bright future in basketball!

Mason has been given a daily behavior chart at school.  He has a very tough time sitting still, keeping self control and staying out of other kid's personal space.  We've been working hard with him and he's really come a long way.  He LOVES getting good reports and he's really starting to take ownership of his behavior.  He's not "naughty" in school, he's actually the opposite.  He's a very loving and kind kid who loves to play with everyone.  He just needs to learn to reign it in. 
The term "bull in a china shop" has never been more accurately bestowed upon someone.

Here he is on an "all Green Day" which is a perfect day.  Those days are kind of rare so he gets a treat when he gets one!

Mason's class Christmas party

Kade's class Christmas party

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