Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

I don't think I've ever been this far behind in my blog posts before!  Must be a sign that we're having a fun and busy year because I can't keep up with my weekly updates!

My brother and his family came up from Atlanta and spent Thanksgiving week with us!  It was so fun and as usual went way too fast.  Lucky for them (the girls anyway) we got a pretty decent snowstorm and the girls got to experience some legit playing in the snow.  I think that might've been the highlight for everyone.

Mason's Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
They got to pick their names, Mason's was "Swimming Fish", which should come as a shock to no one.

Uncle Jeremy, Vivienne and Noella joined us

And then the snow came!  
They were so excited they just had to go check it out.  
Shortly after this picture was taken, Noella (the little one) discovered that icy snowflakes pelting your face is actually not all that awesome and she came in immediately.

Sleepover night

Thanksgiving naps

Cousin bonding

Mason declared that Noella is his best friend!

We unintentionally managed to create the creepiest snow woman in history. 

But she was loved!

Thanksgiving weekend also brought the Gopher Badger game.
The boys were SO EXCITED.
These pictures were taken before the game, unfortunately it didn't take long for the Gophers to disappoint and the smiles quickly vanished.
But the boys had fun dressing up and making "hats"!

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