Thursday, December 5, 2019

Holy cow!  Here we are a week after Thanksgiving and I haven't even posted about Halloween yet!!  Time can slow down anytime now. 

The boys thought this statue of Ronald Reagan was pretty awesome.
I'd say they nailed his pose!

Mason's class Halloween party that a parent was kind enough to take pictures and send to me!

Mason and his good buddy, Nyle.  
I love that you can tell by Nyle's eyes he has a huge smile underneath that mask!

Mason's class all dressed up for Halloween.
Obviously Mase is following in his brother's tall footsteps!

My big boys.
Year 2 for the firefighter costume and year 7? for the football player!  
Love their consistency, makes it easy for me!!

Kade and Mason with their buddy, Porter

Kade got to go deer hunting with Grandpa C this year.  To say he was excited is an understatement.  He was beside himself with joy, it's all he talked about for weeks!  I'm so happy for him that he was able to be there, with grandpa, for 2 bucks!!  He was so proud!

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