Thursday, December 12, 2019

Kade has been playing basketball for the past couple months.  He's doing really well and absolutely loves playing!  It's been fun to watch him grow (literally) and develop his skills and confidence.
Speaking of growing, he had his 9 year well child exam last week.  His height is literally off the charts!  The doctor told him, "If I had 100 boys out in the lobby that are the same age as you, Kade you are taller than all 100 of them."  He's 4'11.5" tall.  I swear some days it seems like he's grown from the time I dropped him off at school to the time I picked him up.

I think he's gotten the tip off at every game!  

Mason and Harper, the year round cheerleaders!

Charlie, Tyeson and Kade are all on the same team

Every day after school Mason picks up his fishing pole and casts.
This was after the first snow fall, he's still got his backpack on even!  Snow doesn't stop this kid from fishing!!

'Tis the season for hot chocolate and warm the house.
Love that you can see his eyes peaking over the mug in this picture.

Our pool table has been laying in pieces in the storage room since we moved into this house over 5 years ago.  It was time to either sell it or put it up.  We chose to put it up and Kade was ecstatic!  I swear it used to be bigger, but I think it's just that Kade used to be so much smaller.

The pool table was taken down shortly after these pictures were taken.  
Kade had to be on a step stool to reach the top!!

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