Wednesday, November 6, 2019

School Pictures and MEA weekend: Part 1

3rd grade


The boys had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off for MEA this year.  Erik and I took work off as well and we packed up the camper for some fall camping in Duluth!  Grandpa and Grandma C joined us with their camper as well.  
We got super lucky with the weather!  The week before, in Duluth, it was snowing and the week after we were there, it was flooding!!  While we were there it was 50's and 60's and sunny every day.  We knew we were taking a chance camping that far up north that late in the fall but we were excited to try it and it worked out well!

It was past peak colors but they were still pretty darn spectacular.  
This was the view off the fishing dock (where we spent A LOT of time) in the campground we stayed at.

Can you spot Mason in the picture below?
When nature calls, while you're in nature, you gotta do what you gotta do.

This was the one and only fish of the entire trip.
We knew we wouldn't catch many but I kinda thought we'd get more than 1!

The boys with G&G C

We took lots of family pictures this trip.
This was the first one.

On that note, I'll put more pictures on the next post!

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