Thursday, November 21, 2019

More Vacation Pictures

We spent a day at Gooseberry Falls, the boys LOVED it.  That place is every kid's dream and every parent's nightmare.  There's no railings or fences, no signs telling people to stay out and plenty of opportunities to trip and fall off the ledge.  I'm quite certain I gained more than a few gray hairs that day!!  I put Erik in charge of Mason, our not-quite-coordinated dare devil who has no fear and zero concept of danger.  Although I'm not painting a very pretty picture for a nervous mother, it is an absolutely gorgeous state park and it's perfect for little boys who love to explore and don't mind getting their feet wet!

The boys found crayfish in the side waters.  That captivated their attention and would've kept them busy for hours if we would've let them determine the timeline.  

The boys played a few round of bean bags.  
Our campground neighbors had a bunch of boys in their group and they let Kade and Mason play football with them.  I didn't get any pictures but it was pretty funny to watch!  
The older boys caught on quickly that Mason is a tough little dude and Kade is an athletic kid.  So they kept telling Mason to tackle his brother.  It was pretty funny to watch Kade trying to play football while trying to evade Mason, who was bound and determined to take him down.

Making new fishing buddies.

Meanwhile, I did my best to embarrass Kade and Erik!
It's just so easy to do and hey! a girl's gotta keep warm!

Mason wasn't too embarrassed to join me!

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