Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Part 2

On Day 2 of our Duluth trip, we went to the Great Lakes Aquarium.  As you can imagine, Mason was overwhelmed and out-of-his-mind excited!  Kade was too but he plays it a lot cooler than his little brother.  I'm not going to lie, it was pretty awesome!  I didn't take many pictures because I was too busy watching their excitement.  There were a few touch pools where they got to touch sharks, jellyfish and, both boy's favorite, sturgeon!  I would HIGHLY recommend a trip there and I know we'll be back!

I didn't get a picture but it should come as no surprise that Erik surpassed the eagle's wingspan.

Pretend fishing?
Right up Mason's alley!

Mason's favorite fish of all time is posing in the background.
The long nose gar fish.

Although this is a great picture of the boys, the main reason I took it is because in the background you can see 2 ladies walking animals on a leash.  
What are those animals you ask?  
Skunks on a leash.

After the aquarium we went to Grandma's restaurant down by Canal Park.
It was an hour and half wait but it worked out well because then we got to explore the beach and visit the lighthouse!

I swear Mason is in this picture too.
Look hard, you'll find him.

Kade could've spent hours climbing these rocks and skipping stones.
He made maneuvering over the boulders look easy.  
He LOVED visiting Canal Park.

This is a weird picture but Kade really had to pee.
So this was his bathroom.
Mason was his lookout man.
It was funny.

My friend, Melissa, photoshopped "Where's Waldo" on Mason.

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