Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The boys tried their hand at playing in a 10U baseball tournament this summer.  It didn't go well.  It was one of the hottest days of the year, in the 90's by 8am.  They lost 2 games in a row and were done within an hour and a half of starting.  
Kade didn't care, it just meant he got to spend the day on a boat on the river with his buddies Tyeson and Charlie!

That night we watched the Eyota Days fireworks from the back of our gator.  
I'm quite certain Erik caught a UFO behind Kade's head...just kidding...kind of.

As if signing them up to play baseball against kids 2-3 years older than them wasn't bad enough, the next day we signed them up to play basketball against kids 2-3 years older than them.  We just considered this a weekend lesson in losing!  

More Eyota Days fun!
Mason and Violet running the obstacle course

You know what's awesome?  Having a mom on the team who is amazing at taking pictures.
Yep, my friend Melissa hooked us up with some fantastic pictures again!

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