Thursday, January 31, 2019

Great Grandpa

Last week we said goodbye to Great Grandpa H, Erik's grandpa.  He was nearly 94 years old!  He was a quiet, sweet man who gave great hugs and left a beautiful legacy of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  He is the grandpa that Erik spent many, many hours on the farm with.  He (along with Grandma H) never missed a game or program of Erik's--or any of their grandchildren.  We were truly blessed to have him in our lives for so long.

We explained to the boys that although we are sad he's no longer with us on earth, we are super happy for him that he is now in heaven with God and Great Grandma H.  They said that they were sad and wished he had one more birthday here (we had plans to celebrate with him this past Sunday) but then Kade said, "But he's super lucky because now he gets to celebrate his birthday in heaven and he gets to eat Connie's cookies and those are WAY better than any cake he'd have here!".  

These are the pictures I could find quickly on my phone.
The boys were so little!

4 generations.  
Look at baby Kade!!

Great grandpa and Mason meeting for the first time.

Another 4 generation picture!

Mason's baptism

At the time of this picture it was the oldest and the youngest, 
at Grandpa's 90th birthday.

I love this picture because it captures what Great Grandpa did best--sitting in the stands with family, cheering on his grandkids at their sporting events!  When I picture Grandpa H, this is how I see him (with Grandma H at his side, of course!).

The great grandkids (missing a few) at Great Grandpa's funeral.  
It was a beautiful celebration for a wonderful man.

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