Sunday, February 10, 2019

Mason's Turns 5!

I can't believe our littlest man is 5 years old!!  5 years?!?!?  
This year his birthday fell on a Saturday so we had a bunch of his daycare friends, and their families, over to play.  The kids braved the cold weather and did some sledding and snowmobiling.  They also dance partied in the basement as well as lots of playing.  
It was nice because they all spend so much time together at daycare together they know exactly how to play with each other and work things out if need be.  The bigs also do a great job of playing with/watching the littles.  That's a win-win for the parents too!!

Mason's birthday was a few days celebration, starting at daycare on Thursday.  He was supposed to bring treats to school that day too but it was canceled due to YET ANOTHER snow day.  I think they are up to 6 now!!  So now his birthday celebrations will extend into Monday too.

Best birthday ever--a snow day means his hero, Gavin, stayed home too!!

I love this video Amanda sent.  How cute is that bashful, little smile?!?!

On Friday his gift from my brother arrived!
He opened it, raised his arms in excitement and said, "YES!!  Now I get to shoot Kade!!"

He also got his gift from my parents, a fish!
He named him "Chip" as in "Fish n Chips".
Anyone who's been to our house know we keep it a bit chilly so Chip's first night home was a kind of worrisome as far as making it through the night in less than ideal temps for a beta.  Luckily we got Chip a heater for his tank and he seems to be doing great now!

Welcome home, Chip!

On his actual birthday Kade had a basketball game.  I had to run a few errands in town so Erik took the boys home afterwards.  Kade was in the shower, Erik was outside, I was driving home and Mason was.....opening his present.  Luckily Erik caught the tail end of it!  That little stinker!

Party time!
Our friends, the M's, brought out their mini snowmobile and the littles had a blast driving it around the driveway.  I think it was the highlight of the day for Mason!

The bigs riding on Erik's sled.

Mason and his best buddy, Gunnar, checking out his new toy.

Supper time!

Mason requested a na-night cake.  What is a na-night cake you ask?
Apparently it's a cake that looks like his blanket, Na Night.
I went with a more figurative interpretation rather than a literal one.

Trick candles!  Kept them entertained and laughing for a bit!

The end of the night.  Mase fell asleep shortly after this picture was taken.

Happy birthday to my sweet, snuggly, stubborn and funny FIVE year old!!
We love you Mason David!!!

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